January 19, 2025
Life's Problems are cyclic
Life problems-A bad day is not a bad life

Do you believe that you’ll one day reach a point in your life where you no longer have any problems? This is a question that I have asked myself so many times but with no credible answer. The holy book describes this world as a world of problems. Some people even believe that the first cry when a child is born is worldly problems. Could it be that, the inspiration behind a future life to come, was because of the never-ending life problems? A life full of good tidings, with no pain, suffering, or death? But that points to the spiritual aspect, and many will argue that spiritual and physical matters of life aren’t the same. Alas! The two realms of life could be different but the physical cannot be without the spiritual so is the spiritual! The two complement each other.

Life Problems

Every other day, we face different challenges that require new solutions when we wake up. Some problems could be a culmination of our past decisions or the decisions of our forefathers. I am tempted to say that the old have no problems to think about. Having had an interaction with people of age, I have realized that they too have problems. Have you ever done something and there is something that still needs to be done? You get the feeling that though things are working, they can still be improved further. In such a situation, we find ourselves living a “provisional life,” according to the Swiss Psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz.

Provisional Life

Provisional life describes a situation where one feels that he is not yet in real life, and that more is yet to come. If more is yet to come, then you might not get the best that you have always wanted. We endeavour to become healthier, hit the gym to get a lean body, and work on a diet to look nice, but realize that that is not what we want.

While in primary school, most of us wanted to be the best and had better positions (index numbers). Whereas someone else envies your position, you fix your eyes to the top spot. We desire to join a national school, but in all fairness, the marks attained couldn’t guarantee one. So we joined provincial or national schools, did our KCSE and got the grades that gave us some sort of satisfaction, but still wondered why we couldn’t score A grades. College education knocked, we did our best and came out successfully, but still felt that we could have done better.

At our businesses or places of work, we still feel like there is something a miss. Why is it so? It is because, ” it’s impossible to pursue any program of personal change without the thought, somewhere in the back of your mind, that successfully completing the change will catapult us into a new and somehow realer kind of existence.” This creates a cycle of events where it seems problems are never solved.

What is the Solution to this Life Problem?

The solution to this is to accept the fact that you will never have all the issues sorted, because life is an endless cycle, that comes to an end when we are six feet under. The catalyst to the problem above is the thought running on our minds that there is something that we can do to make life even better. Therefore, the solution is to be content with your situation and what you have. Contentment is being happy with your life’s situation, but be cautious not to mistake contentment for stagnation. Accept that you can never provide a solution to life’s problems, and they might never end after all. Philosopher Cindy Wigglesworth says that it is up to us to find the natural way of things and live a life of contentment and, high effectiveness. 

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