When the Kenya Kwanza government took power in 2022, it was clear that the head of state had a strong vision towards greening the country through restoration of forests. In more than one occasion, the president has reiterated on the need to increase the country’s tree cover. In 2023, the head of state reiterated the government’s commitment to planting 15 billion trees by 2032. He said the objective is to restore the country’s forest cover. He further said that this will help in combating the effects of climate change. KEFRI was tasked to establish 18 tree seedling stations which will help the government plant trees in the whole countries.
Greening Against Climate Change
The president acknowledged that the world is now experiencing cyclones, floods, heatwaves, and droughts, and as a result, many farmers have lost their livestock due to droughts which to some is the main source of livelihood, and the flooding has led to the loss of food crops.
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The Journey
In 2016, the government launched the 20 Million Trees for Kenya’s Forests Campaign, which had more than 450 people attending. During the launch, national government, Kenya Forest Service, various ministries, state departments and local community groups were represented. The objective of the campaign was to plant 20 million trees in and around Mount Kenya and the water towers. The water towers play a vital role in the sustinability of riverine ecosystems. By that time, the percentage tree cover was at 7.14%, which was below the national target of 10%.
National Forest Resources Assessment Report
According to the National Forest Resources Assessment Report (2021), the country’s tree cover stands at 12.13%, while the forest cover is 8.83%. Read more on the journey towards the 10% mark here.
Everyone Must Be Involved
The president said that the government plans to involve all the stakeholders in this exercise, and all the departments including Kenya Defence Forces, Prisons, National Youth Service, Kenya Forest Service, and the Kenya Wildlife services among others will play a key role. Other state departments and parastatals involved include Water Resources Authority, the Kenya Water Institute, Water Sector Trust Fund, and the County Governments.Please find time and visit our website for more insightful content.
November 13, 2023
Three months after one year in office, the Kenya Kwanza government declared November 13th 2023 a public holiday. It was the country’s second national tree growing day. This followed the inaugural ‘green holiday.’ Each cabinet secretary was assigned specific sites to demonstrate the government’s commitment in the 15 billion tree growing programme.
May 10, 2024
Six months later, the government will spearhead another national tree planting campaign on Friday, May 10th. The government spokesperson announced on his X handle on Wednesday that an activity similar to the one held six months ago will take place on Friday. The government spokesman said that the national tree planting day is an important event that seeks to encourage all Kenyans to contribute to the national goal of restoration of forest cover. He reiterated that the day is about creating awareness of the importance of conserving forests. Let us embrace the day with love and be committed to ensure its success. Happy Green Holiday.
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